Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fun Day SUNDAY!!

Today was not a typical Sunday for Chad and me! We spent the night in Atlanta with Kelli and Casey (Chad's cousins). We got up and went to church with them at a nice contemporary service at Cannon Methodist Church. Cindy (Chad's aunt and Kelli's mother) cooked us all a nice brunch! We had waffles (made by Chad Cone himself), eggs, bacon, and sausage! It was super duper yummy! We then had to come back to the Redford family home to all take naps. The boys stayed up too late last night watching the Falcons get their bottoms handed to them! Kelli and I stayed up later than the boys! We had better things to do then watch football though! We watched the Miss America Pageant and ate GIGI's cupcakes! They are literally the best cupcakes I have ever had in my life! Then we talked to Sammy Clawson on skype. He is awesome! So anyway, we all took naps. Then we enjoyed a nice dinner at Frontara! Its a great Mexican restaurant. Here are some pictures from our adventures!

The boys thought they were so funny not wanting to look at the camera! We love our silly boys!!


  1. Thanks!! I'm glad you comment on the posts! It makes me feel like i'm not doing this for nothing! haha
