Monday, May 9, 2011

one to go!

Well one exam to go for me and two for Chad. he has his exam tonight at 7 and then 8 in the morning. I finish up tomorrow at 3:30. THANK GOODNESS! I am so ready to be home. This past week has been so stressful! Hope everyone is doing well!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

reading day= over.

Well today was the lovely reading day. Basically what that means is the day after classes end and the day before finals begin. Also...usually people do nothing on reading day unless they have a final the next day, which I have one and Chad has two. So guess what we did all day...if you guessed studying then you are right! :) THUMBS UP! I am so tired of studying already. I really dislike Chad for looking at a powerpoint and reading it about twice, then going and making a 100 on the test. I cannot do that! For the life of me......i study and study and study and still come out with a poor grade. it is really discouraging. So anyway....finals start tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day when life officially is no fun for me until a week from today. I have a final every single day of finals. ALL FIVE DAYS! I am so stressed out and Chad is mister cool cat. He does not care. He wants to know why i stress1 :) he is silly! But continues to make me laugh when I want to cry and scream. I guess I will keep him around! I hope everyone had an awesome Tuesday!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Last day....

This is a pretty historical day....not only because Bin Laden is dead but also because this was my last day ever of my first year of college. I feel a little bittersweet about it. This year has taken me on a total crazy ride. Tonight we had our last Chapter meeting. All the senior got up and spoke about what their plans were and gave us some advice that they wish they were given. I sat there watching all the senior cry and tell their funny/emotional stories about how fast life goes by. That is totally how I feel right now. This year went by so fast. I cannot believe I will be applying to my major in August. That is crazy! Chad is well on his way to be graduation soon...or at some point. It is sort of a scary feeling to know in just 2 and half short years I will be out on my own. No college, no living under my parents roof or off their money, no just getting good grades to one day get a new job....I will actually be on my own. I totally just freaked myself out. Well good thing Chad and I have great families that surround us with love and encouragement every single day! You guys are awesome! and just to let everyone know....motivational text messages are totally appropriate this week. Chad and I are NOT MOTIVATED to study what so ever. TOTALLY BAD, I know. Anyway...i hope everyone had an awesome Monday!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The storm has arrived.....

dumm dumm dummm.....finals week is here. If i could "type" a scared frantic face i would, but i don't know how. I won't even begin to try. haha Anyway, wow! What a weekend this was! We had so much going on this weekend! I felt like i never stopped! Friday, Chad and I got up and watched the Royal Wedding! :) It was amazing!!! Later that night, I had a sorority date night. Chad and I went to that. It was at this awesome fancy place. There were two guys performing called the Dueling Pianos. They were so awesome. They had two key boards set up and girls would request songs. The two guys would play it and sing it, but it was sort of a contest of who could play it better. It was awesome! So that was on friday. Then Saturday, we met a lot of Chad's family for lunch. That was nice to see everyone and have an awesome lunch. Chad had to sing at a wedding on Saturday. He claims it was a disaster, but I bet it was awesome. Also yesterday, I had to babysit. That is always a blast. Then they had Twilight here in Athens last night. It is a huge bicycle race that they do downtown. We went to that. It was really cool. They block off most of the streets downtown, and the men and women race. Then today....I had rush workshop meetings and Chad has a test tomorrow. He has been studying. I have been hanging out at the sorority house. I think you all are now up to date on our lives now. this weekend has felt like forever long. I am just ready for this week to fly by. We will see! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!