Monday, May 2, 2011

Last day....

This is a pretty historical day....not only because Bin Laden is dead but also because this was my last day ever of my first year of college. I feel a little bittersweet about it. This year has taken me on a total crazy ride. Tonight we had our last Chapter meeting. All the senior got up and spoke about what their plans were and gave us some advice that they wish they were given. I sat there watching all the senior cry and tell their funny/emotional stories about how fast life goes by. That is totally how I feel right now. This year went by so fast. I cannot believe I will be applying to my major in August. That is crazy! Chad is well on his way to be graduation soon...or at some point. It is sort of a scary feeling to know in just 2 and half short years I will be out on my own. No college, no living under my parents roof or off their money, no just getting good grades to one day get a new job....I will actually be on my own. I totally just freaked myself out. Well good thing Chad and I have great families that surround us with love and encouragement every single day! You guys are awesome! and just to let everyone know....motivational text messages are totally appropriate this week. Chad and I are NOT MOTIVATED to study what so ever. TOTALLY BAD, I know. Anyway...i hope everyone had an awesome Monday!

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