Monday, September 12, 2011

I know..its been a while.....

Hello friends and family! I know I have not posted in ages. It has literally been the craziest 4 weeks ever. I cannot really remember all that has gone on! Chad and I went home for labor day weekend. We had a nice relaxing time at home. We both have been working really hard this semester on keeping our grades up, which is super hard to do if you want a social life. We had a full weekend this past weekend. Chad's a capella group had auditions and had a great turn out. They got 3 new boys and 3 or 4 new girls. Everyone was really excited about that. Chad and I went out with WSEM (the a capella group) on Thursday night. We went and did Karokee with the group. We had a blast. Pictures are on the bottom. I had to work all day on Friday from 8:00 too 5:00. Chad and I went and visited with his aunt for a little while. Then we had a Rave birthday party to go to on Friday night. Saturday was the big football game. We went to the game. It was crazy! I was so upset that we lost! but it was so close! We win some and lose some. That is just how it goes. I got really sick on Friday night battling a cold. SO i didn't do anything on Sunday except lay around all day. I am still sick today and currently my voice is gone. That has been taking a toll on me a little. Chad is great. He is being awesome like always! Enjoy the pictures. They are fantastic!

and just for clarification....Chad is not drunk. he is copying the music video that was playing. hahahaha